Addicted to Suffering?

“Humans are addicted to suffering at different levels and to different degrees, and we support each other in maintaining these addictions. Humans agree to help each other suffer.”-Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements

I think a lot about what Don Miguel Ruiz teaches us about suffering in his Toltec Wisdom books. I am always amazed at how people choose to suffer, even when they are given hope or a new way of looking at things. It’s very similar to a horse with blinders on. Why are humans fundamentally so close minded and set in their ways? Yes, to some degree, it has to do with subconscious programming by the collective and elite few that thrive on greed and power. And I also understand we are on our own journey, and we have different levels of understanding. Why do we suffer, and ignore new information or insights? This is a hard question for me because I have always asked hard questions, did a lot of research, and kept an open mind to receive new information. It all started for me when a friend of mine chose not to vaccinate her children. I was immediately intrigued and started my own path of self-discovery, driven by the desire to make the best decision for the health of my kids.

If we started asking the population why they believe what they do, and with such conviction, I believe that most of them couldn’t tell you. Some of these hot topics such as vaccines and medical care, are so indoctrinated by society that individuals have a hard time imagining that things could be different and for the better.

I have met countless people with health issues or specific ailments, and of course, I am more than willing to offer up a suggestion or an idea. A new treatment or plant that I read about, that shows possible or known benefit. It’s amazing to me how so many are close minded about making new discoveries. For example, THC in the curing of cancer, and psychedelics in a promising new study to help individuals with Alzheimer’s grow new neuropathways. If I had a loved one who was suffering and facing possible death, why would I just accept that? I would be researching every option, and doing everything I can to prevent such an outcome. I listen to the stories they tell, of the events happening in their circumstances. It seems that they have completely accepted the narrative that nothing can be done. I am here to tell you that just because Allopathic medicine offers a potential outcome to any given situation, doesn’t mean that you are doomed to live that experience.

I encourage all those who are facing challenges to INVESTIGATE! Do your own research. Find new ways and avenues that can ultimately lead you down a better path. Why wouldn’t you? What do you have to lose? Nothing. You might gain more quality time with someone you care about. Or maybe even a cure. We should be more open to new and upcoming ideas. Science is never settled. We have the biggest opportunity right now to open our eyes and stop trusting mainstream media sources. Let’s learn, listen, and take a leap of faith. Let’s share ideas. Let’s create a better future for the generations to come. Let’s live, share love, and make impossible things possible.


The Science and Controversy Surrounding Psychedelics for Therapeutic Use